ASP.NET Core 2.1 Web API Using Multiple Authentication Schemes

There’s very little guidance from Microsoft on writing your own custom authentication handlers for Core 2. If you look at the documentation you’ll find detailed guidance on the built-in Core Identity model that they want you to use. They also provide links to third-party open-source providers like Identity Server which is what I use in this example. There is an article on custom cookie authentication. But generally speaking because security is hard and it’s way too easy to screw up Microsoft would rather you did not roll your own. It’s best to stick to the prescriptive guidance Microsoft offers. Now that I’ve said that I’m going to ignore completely my own advice. Read on if you’re with me.

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Microservices with IdentityServer4 and Ocelot Fronting a .NET Core API

Well just like the title says I want to show a complete microservice-based architecture using the lightweight IdentityServer4 for authentication and Ocelot as an API gateway. Ocelot will act as a reverse proxy for a secured internal ASP.NET Core Web API. Everything here is open-source .NET Core 2.0 or later.

The main source of guidance I consulted for this architecture is the eShopContainers project and the white paper they published (which I read cover-to-cover at my favorite coffee shop and I recommend you do the same). There are a few helpful blog posts out there too. Dan Patrascu-Baba wrote a couple posts (here and here), Scott Brady wrote a helpful intro to IdentityServer4, and Catcher Wong wrote a nice series on Ocelot. But I couldn’t find a “complete picture” presentation of the whole architecture so I decided to write it myself. My goal here is to present a bare bones framework in one place to help bootstrap a serious microservices project.

I’ve organized this post into three parts: (1) The Big Picture; (2) The Configuration; and (3) The Deep Dive. Let’s get started right after the jump…

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