Polymorphic Associations in Entity Framework

In this post I’m going to show how to use EF 6.1 Code First to model polymorphic associations between a base class and two derived classes. In EF this is called “table-per-type” (TPT) inheritance. Microsoft has a walkthrough on using EF to map TPT inheritance in a domain model. Unfortunately it was written before EF Code First and is now dated. A search turned up some information here and there but it too was dated. It took me the better part of an afternoon to get it working in EF Code First so I thought I should post the solution. More after the jump…

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Cursorless Iteration in SQL

Knowing when to use cursors and when to avoid them is key to being a successful developer. Here’s a very useful snippet to use when you want to use a cursorless iteration over a resultset. In the example I create a temp table of widgets and then enumerate each row to print them out:

set nocount on;
declare @i int
declare @curr_widget nvarchar(20)
declare @widget_table TABLE (
    id smallint primary key identity(1,1)
    , widget_color nvarchar(10)
    , widget_type nvarchar(10)
 -- populate the widget table with records
 insert @widget_table (widget_color, widget_type) values ('Red','Widget')
 insert @widget_table (widget_color, widget_type) values ('Orange','Gear')
 insert @widget_table (widget_color, widget_type) values ('Yellow','Rotor')
 insert @widget_table (widget_color, widget_type) values ('Green','Crank')
 insert @widget_table (widget_color, widget_type) values ('Blue','Cog')
 insert @widget_table (widget_color, widget_type) values ('Indigo','Flywheel')
 insert @widget_table (widget_color, widget_type) values ('Violet','Propeller')
 -- cursorless enumeration of the widget table 
 SET @i = 1
 WHILE (@i <= (SELECT MAX(id) FROM @widget_table))
    -- get the widget color and type
        @curr_widget = widget_color + ' ' + widget_type
        @widget_table WHERE id = @i
    PRINT @curr_widget
    -- increment counter for next row
    SET @i = @i + 1

The key to making this work of course is to have an identity column to order the rows and the MAX function to know when you’re done. It’s a great little trick to try in your next project.