Calculate New Moon Dates

In my last post (Calculate Future Solar Eclipses) I showed how to calculate the types of solar eclipses that would occur for a given date range. I took a shortcut and used a NewMoonData class that had a list of all known new moon dates that I culled from the website. That worked just fine for the purposes of that blog post.

But in the real world who wants to hardcode every single new moon date into the far future? That’s not a realistic solution. I’m following up with an implementation in C# .NET, based on Jean Meeus’ algorithm he adopted from the ELP-2000/82 theory for the Moon. The results show the exact instant of the new moon phase (UTC) for any date from -1999 BCE to +3000 CE, accurate to within a few seconds.

The code is checked into my repo at FindNewMoonConsoleApp. Feel free to clone the code base and take it for a test ride. I won’t do a full walkthrough like with the solar eclipse calculations. I’ll just say that the general approach I took was to start with the first new moon in the J2000.0 epoch (6 Jan 2000) and enumerate over the mean new moon phases that follow. Starting with 6 Jan 2000 the program adds the lunar cycle of 29.5306 days to get 4 Feb 2000. Add the lunar cycle again and you get 5 Mar 2000, and so on for as many months and years as you like.

Sounds easy right? The problem is there are forces of gravity pulling on the Moon and Earth. And none of these bodies move at constant rates. So, the times of the mean phases of the moon just gets us in the ballpark of give or take a day or so. From there we have to apply an algorithm that corrects for all of the perturbations in order to get a more accurate date and time for each new moon.

Suppose I want to know the instant of the new moon in Dec 2022. I run the program and get: 12/23/2022 10:16:47 UTC. The Griffith Observatory, which uses the NASA/JPL Horizons system, rounds it up to 12/23/2022 10:17 UTC.

The program will produce results for every new moon that are accurate to within several seconds for any date range you provide.

Clear skies!